Stelle (…) et revertente Hludowico ab obsi...; (Annales Bertiniani (862 - 882), a. 869, p. 106) [5557]

Basic Information
ID 5557
Text Annales Bertiniani (862 - 882) Hincmar of Reims
Quotation (…) et revertente Hludowico ab obsidione Sarracenorum de partibus Beneventanis, idem Sarraceni de Barra egredientes et hostem Hludowici post tergum sequentes, plus quam duo milia caballorum ipsius hostis praedati sunt, et cum eisdem caballis duos ex se ipsis ordinantes cueneos, ad ecclesiam sancti Michahelis in monte Gargano perrexerunt, et clericos eiusdem ecclesiae multosque alios qui ad orationem illuc convenerant depraedantes, cum multa spolia ad sua redierunt. Quod factum valde imperatorem atque apostolicum, sed et Romanos turbavit.
Translation trans. Nelson, a. 869, p. 162. Louis left off his siege of the Saracens and returned from the region of Benevento, whereupon those Saracens came out from Bari and pursued Louis’s army from behind. They captured over 2,000 horses from his army, and with these horses they arranged themselves into two cavalry formations which they rode all the way to the church of St-Michael on Monte Gargano. They plundered the clergy of that church and many other people who had gathered there on pilgrimage, and then they made off back to Bari with great spoils. This deed threw the emperor, the pope, and the Romans into great confusion.
Summary Retreating from Bari, Louis II and his army are attacked by the Saracens, and suffer the loss of many horses. The Saracens proceed to plunder the church of the Archangel Michael the Monte Gargano.
Quotation source a. 869, p. 106
Temporal Coverage 869 - 869
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects