SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: τῷ δ’αύτῷ μηνὶ πϱεσβεύουσιν οἱ Ἄβαϱ...; (Chronographia (Theophanes) (810 - 814), AM 6075 (582/3) (pp. 252.31-253.14)) [5473]>]> - Avari, [wurzel: Avar]

Basic Information
Keyword Avari, [wurzel: Avar]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((20.291748 44.887012, 20.148926 44.918139, 19.742432 44.653024, 19.731445 44.370987, 20.258789 44.134913, 20.852051 44.00862, 21.115723 44.000718, 21.577148 43.953282, 22.060547 43.882057, 22.269287 43.897892, 22.368164 43.897892, 22.752686 44.127028, 22.554932 44.441624, 22.664795 44.527843, 22.774658 44.551335, 22.576904 44.676466, 22.390137 44.699898, 22.258301 44.504341, 22.093506 44.582643, 21.917725 44.660839, 21.63208 44.770137, 21.412354 44.949249, 20.961914 44.840291, 20.478516 44.871443, 20.291748 44.887012))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 4
  • τῷ δ’αύτῷ μηνὶ πϱεσβεύουσιν οἱ Ἄβαϱ...; (Chronographia (Theophanes) (810 - 814), AM 6075 (582/3) (pp. 252.31-253.14)) [5473]