SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Iter enim erit nostrum per Ravennam...; (Chronica Sancti Benedicti Casinensis (901 - 1000), 3, pp. 470-471) [5547]>]> - Roma, [wurzel: Roma]

Basic Information
Keyword Roma, [wurzel: Roma]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((12.444214 41.852787, 12.402466 41.913315, 12.428833 41.936202, 12.477173 41.941106, 12.536499 41.923125, 12.536499 41.877332, 12.485962 41.854424, 12.444214 41.852787))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 3
  • Iter enim erit nostrum per Ravennam...; (Chronica Sancti Benedicti Casinensis (901 - 1000), 3, pp. 470-471) [5547]