Stelle Iter enim erit nostrum per Ravennam...; (Chronica Sancti Benedicti Casinensis (901 - 1000), 3, pp. 470-471) [5547]

Basic Information
ID 5547
Text Chronica Sancti Benedicti Casinensis (901 - 1000) Anonymous - History
Quotation Iter enim erit nostrum per Ravennam, exin mediante mense Martio in Piscaria, et omnis exercitus Italicus nobiscum. Tuscani autem cum populo qui de ultra veniunt per Romam veniant ad Pontem Curvum, inde Capuam, et per Beneventum descendant nobis obviam Luceria octavo Kalendas Aprilis.
Summary The intended routes for the parts of the army on Louis II’s Southern campaign are detailed: while the main Italian army is to travel via Ravenna and to arrive at Pescara by mid-March, the Tuscans and all other parts of the army coming from the other side of the Apennine are to travel via Rome, Pontecorvo, Capua and Benevento. Both parts are to meet at Lucera (between Benevento and Bari) on 25 March (866). Neither schedule nor route were kept as laid out here.
Quotation source 3, pp. 470-471
Temporal Coverage 866 - 866
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects