SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: ...; (Ecloga chronographica, None) [5085]>]> - Heruli, [wurzel: Herul]

Basic Information
Keyword Heruli, [wurzel: Herul]
Comment Emperor Gallienus defeats the Heruli at the River Nestus (Spring 268).
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((24.687515 40.957086, 24.751373 40.866276, 24.804932 40.845502, 24.849564 40.888082, 24.780212 41.036895, 24.804932 41.084527, 24.833084 41.09229, 24.781586 41.160563, 24.725281 41.246837, 24.644943 41.271614, 24.504868 41.380415, 24.368225 41.433976, 24.364792 41.433976, 24.256989 41.385567, 24.099747 41.456622, 24.022842 41.498293, 23.860107 41.562032, 23.800369 41.618522, 23.689133 41.80459, 23.624588 41.853196, 23.636261 41.956426, 23.710419 42.016142, 23.710419 42.016142, 23.753059 42.046488, 23.740013 42.066881, 23.72422 42.081917, 23.64045 42.036034, 23.607491 42.007469, 23.604401 41.999049, 23.536766 41.907643, 23.549812 41.862658, 23.555305 41.856521, 23.580025 41.812523, 23.609894 41.788977, 23.642853 41.758252, 23.657959 41.736735, 23.686111 41.670347, 23.711517 41.608768, 23.720444 41.593108, 23.769539 41.519118, 23.85743 41.496235, 23.887985 41.47386, 24.014328 41.434748, 24.04145 41.405398, 24.04454 41.388143, 24.076469 41.347948, 24.152 41.325264, 24.15715 41.325779, 24.28418 41.28503, 24.304779 41.272388, 24.379967 41.310824, 24.405373 41.334287, 24.450005 41.293801, 24.463051 41.271098, 24.437302 41.260259, 24.553001 41.219211, 24.638832 41.183047, 24.637115 41.181238, 24.654968 41.135745, 24.658058 41.130314, 24.666298 41.088408, 24.735992 41.070034, 24.702003 41.021873, 24.706467 41.013325, 24.687515 40.957086))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 5
  • ...; (Ecloga chronographica, None) [5085]