Stelle ...; (Ecloga chronographica, None) [5085]

Basic Information
ID 5085
Text Ecloga chronographica (784 - 806) George Syncellus
Translation The emperor Gallienus had also launched an attack and killed 3000 near Nessos. Then Naulobatos, the leader of the Ailouroi, unconditionally surrendered himself to the emperor Gallienus and was honoured by him with the rank of consul.
Quotation source None
Temporal Coverage 268 - None
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects
Comment When the Herules retreated from Greece they were chased by the emperor Gallienus who with the decisive help of the Dalmatian cavalry defeated them at the River Nestus (Spring 268). Following the account of George Synkellos, after the battle, Naulobatus, ὁ τῶν Αἰρούλων ἡγούμενος (“the leader of the Ailouroi”) surrendered to Gallienus, who rewarded him with the rank of the consulate.