SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Ὅτι ἐδέξατο Ἰουστινανὸς παρὰ Ἀβάρων...; (Historia (continuation of Agathias), Fr. 5.4, pp. 51-53) [5440]>]> - Scythia, [wurzel: Sc*th]
Passages |
Keyword | Scythia, [wurzel: Sc*th] |
Approximate localisation | SRID=4326;POLYGON ((29.63672 45.828799, 29.496094 46.534681, 29.988282 47.255373, 31.816406 47.635783, 35.648438 48.224672, 37.792969 49.221902, 42.257811 48.945594, 44.191405 48.760534, 46.933594 47.445922, 46.968749 45.828799, 46.195313 45.06421, 43.417969 44.364703, 40.324218 45.039372, 39.199219 45.213003, 36.492189 45.75526, 34.066407 46.365126, 29.63672 45.828799)) |
Points and lines | None |
Degree of uncertainty | 5 |
Passage |