SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Καὶ δὴ δόγμα ἐγράφη πρῶτον ὡς διὰ τ...; (Historia (continuation of Agathias) (557 - 582), Fr. 6.1, 314-319, pp. 70-71) [5441]>]> - Tzon, [wurzel: ]

Basic Information
Keyword Tzon, [wurzel: ]
Comment Tzon has been tentatively identified with Derbent
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((48.186035 42.13408, 48.071778 41.925168, 48.265137 41.931707, 48.361816 42.02971, 48.186035 42.13408))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 4
  • Καὶ δὴ δόγμα ἐγράφη πρῶτον ὡς διὰ τ...; (Historia (continuation of Agathias) (557 - 582), Fr. 6.1, 314-319, pp. 70-71) [5441]