SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Igitur dum domnus Hludowicus cum su...; (Adbreviatio de gestis Langobardorum (800 - 900), 14, pp. 227-228) [5558]>]> - Calabria, [wurzel: calabr]

Basic Information
Keyword Calabria, [wurzel: calabr]
Comment Calabria here most likely does mean roughly what is known as Calabria today, the ancient Bruttium.
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((15.776367 39.910579, 15.88623 39.957754, 16.189453 39.957754, 16.338867 40.025091, 16.541016 40.021725, 16.620117 39.967859, 16.523438 39.836381, 16.514649 39.735073, 16.554199 39.677598, 16.576172 39.643768, 16.725586 39.643768, 16.787109 39.626846, 16.888184 39.528619, 16.980469 39.498107, 17.081543 39.420069, 17.138672 39.399697, 17.103515 39.290947, 17.129883 39.246718, 17.112305 39.144547, 17.147461 39.055878, 17.173828 38.977347, 17.055176 38.898728, 16.901367 38.922665, 16.686035 38.840563, 16.54541 38.710375, 16.571777 38.569643, 16.541016 38.390756, 16.435547 38.308043, 16.316895 38.239043, 16.211426 38.131964, 16.141113 38.035112, 16.066406 37.962389, 15.697265 37.934666, 15.631348 38.114679, 15.613769 38.18725, 15.684082 38.277001, 15.763183 38.356303, 15.842285 38.545588, 15.829101 38.672645, 15.965332 38.744658, 16.07959 38.751513, 16.21582 38.809751, 16.171875 38.932921, 16.044434 39.127503, 15.930176 39.443829, 15.851074 39.616691, 15.776367 39.822882, 15.776367 39.910579))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 3
  • Igitur dum domnus Hludowicus cum su...; (Adbreviatio de gestis Langobardorum (800 - 900), 14, pp. 227-228) [5558]