SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Norwegia igitur a quodam rege, qui ...; (Historia Norwegie (1150 - 1175), 1 (pp. 52-54)) [4872]>]> - Gronlandi, [wurzel: Gronlan]

Basic Information
Keyword Gronlandi, [wurzel: Gronlan]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((-46.82373 60.75916, -46.757813 60.994423, -46.120605 61.164437, -45.98877 61.375673, -45.527344 61.344078, -45.043945 61.196213, -44.912109 60.941106, -44.604492 60.651647, -44.318848 60.413852, -44.121094 60.261617, -43.813477 60.196156, -43.417969 60.119619, -43.17627 60.086763, -43.505859 59.92199, -43.967285 59.78958, -44.802246 59.987998, -45.439453 60.152442, -45.395508 60.413852, -45.834961 60.532968, -46.40625 60.640876, -46.82373 60.75916))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 1
  • Norwegia igitur a quodam rege, qui ...; (Historia Norwegie (1150 - 1175), 1 (pp. 52-54)) [4872]