SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Ungariorum gens, cuius omnes poene ...; (Antapodosis (Liber retributionis) (958 - 962), Antapodosis I, cap. 5, p. , ed. Becker, trans. Squatriti, p. 47) [5749]>, <Stelle: Hoc in tempore rex Hugo datis decem...; (Antapodosis (Liber retributionis) (958 - 962), Antapodosis V, cap. 19, p. 141, ed. Becker, trans. Squatriti, p. 183) [5750]>]> - Hungri, [wurzel: Hungr]

Basic Information
Keyword Hungri, [wurzel: Hungr]
Comment These are alpine fortifications, but difficult to locate (check again)
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((8.261717000000001 46.721035, 11.733397 47.23076, 13.16162 46.736095, 10.283202 45.74836, 6.921385 46.008409, 8.261717000000001 46.721035))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 8
  • Ungariorum gens, cuius omnes poene ...; (Antapodosis (Liber retributionis) (958 - 962), Antapodosis I, cap. 5, p. , ed. Becker, trans. Squatriti, p. 47) [5749]
  • Hoc in tempore rex Hugo datis decem...; (Antapodosis (Liber retributionis) (958 - 962), Antapodosis V, cap. 19, p. 141, ed. Becker, trans. Squatriti, p. 183) [5750]