SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Regnavit Albuin in Italia annos tre...; (Origo Gentis Langobardorum (640 - 680), MGH, Scriptores rer. Lang. et Ital., 1, 1878 (L. Bethmann & G. Waitz), pp. 4-5) [5594]>]> - Italia, [wurzel: Itali]

Basic Information
Keyword Italia, [wurzel: Itali]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((7.528381 43.782931, 7.484436 43.89981, 7.720642 44.077659, 7.654724 44.182142, 7.366333 44.134852, 6.968079 44.233331, 6.880188 44.429796, 6.819763 44.568887, 7.001038 44.695932, 6.992798 44.863595, 6.767578 44.943357, 6.632996 45.123868, 7.086182 45.245827, 7.163086 45.396461, 7.868958 45.924349, 8.088684000000001 46.236793, 8.442993 46.456722, 9.423522999999999 46.388563, 9.637756 46.28047, 10.18158 46.418867, 10.461731 46.59656, 11.060486 46.647492, 11.299438 46.447261, 11.560364 46.494552, 11.645508 46.722859, 12.304688 46.766147, 13.705444 46.511566, 14.029541 46.115074, 13.587341 45.778958, 13.384094 45.650468, 13.120422 45.681179, 12.417297 45.421528, 12.134399 45.365594, 12.31842 45.187784, 12.54364 44.96668, 12.370605 44.758375, 12.244263 44.787622, 12.31842 44.406255, 12.609558 44.02041, 13.584595 43.580329, 13.851013 43.056785, 14.202576 42.443665, 14.751892 42.155196, 14.957886 42.010466, 15.301208 41.918565, 16.062012 41.947171, 16.191101 41.898125, 16.213074 41.773296, 15.927429 41.603057, 15.952148 41.450897, 16.918945 41.126888, 17.333679 40.961169, 18.020325 40.647238, 18.547668 40.126325, 18.363647 39.787368, 17.976379 39.977054, 17.987366 40.145224, 17.704468 40.306694, 17.457275 40.312978, 17.127686 40.463601, 16.98761 40.501204, 16.625061 40.10322, 16.638794 39.97074, 16.501465 39.76837, 16.56189 39.633126, 16.814575 39.633126, 17.130432 39.423398, 17.135925 39.072445, 17.215576 39.034053, 17.086487 38.884552, 16.940918 38.937982, 16.627808 38.818244, 16.53717 38.691874, 16.594849 38.457823, 16.166382 38.132329, 16.064758 37.933299, 15.713196 37.931133, 15.614319 38.041534, 15.614319 38.242427, 15.801086 38.298492, 15.941162 38.548098, 15.809326 38.648986, 15.976868 38.764725, 16.114197 38.760442, 16.196594 38.918752, 16.100464 39.102291, 15.987854 39.478539, 15.856018 39.56117, 15.762634 39.932841, 15.600586 40.073802, 15.430298 39.99389, 14.891968 40.23754, 15.012817 40.400882, 14.740906 40.690987, 14.320679 40.561743, 14.441528 40.730543, 14.293213 40.836606, 14.048767 40.805429, 13.960876 40.998492, 13.691711 41.269485, 13.595581 41.209591, 13.268738 41.296316, 13.040771 41.209591, 12.848511 41.401471, 12.609558 41.452956, 12.194824 41.746662, 12.090454 41.949213, 11.867981 42.034951, 11.58783 42.313814, 11.260986 42.413255, 11.151123 42.352391, 11.063232 42.423393, 11.189575 42.508489, 10.953369 42.722741, 10.739136 42.807429, 10.752869 42.922178, 10.59082 42.948319, 10.467224 42.930222, 10.469971 43.014626, 10.508423 43.289139, 10.244751 43.546495, 10.214539 43.897831, 9.978332999999999 44.048054, 9.832763999999999 44.042131, 9.275207999999999 44.33361, 9.209289999999999 44.284475, 9.052733999999999 44.378778, 8.761597 44.42195, 8.456726 44.278576, 8.415527000000001 44.178203, 8.226013 44.093442, 8.091431 43.878036, 8.091431 43.878036, 7.826385 43.809725, 7.660217 43.771063, 7.528381 43.782931))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 8
  • Regnavit Albuin in Italia annos tre...; (Origo Gentis Langobardorum (640 - 680), MGH, Scriptores rer. Lang. et Ital., 1, 1878 (L. Bethmann & G. Waitz), pp. 4-5) [5594]