SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Regnavit Albuin in Italia annos tre...; (Origo Gentis Langobardorum (640 - 680), MGH, Scriptores rer. Lang. et Ital., 1, 1878 (L. Bethmann & G. Waitz), pp. 4-5) [5594]>]> - Verona, [wurzel: Veron*]

Basic Information
Keyword Verona, [wurzel: Veron*]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((10.998108 45.448013, 10.999761 45.447456, 11.000876 45.445996, 11.000834 45.442413, 11.000619 45.439342, 10.995383 45.437023, 10.993023 45.437746, 10.992701 45.439251, 10.992959 45.441826, 10.992143 45.442744, 10.99371 45.445514, 10.994847 45.446854, 10.996413 45.447787, 10.998108 45.448013))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 6
  • Regnavit Albuin in Italia annos tre...; (Origo Gentis Langobardorum (640 - 680), MGH, Scriptores rer. Lang. et Ital., 1, 1878 (L. Bethmann & G. Waitz), pp. 4-5) [5594]