SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Et ingredieris terram Gog pede plan...; (Chronica Prophetica (883 - 900), Chroniques Asturiennes (fin ix° siécle), 1987 (Bonnaz, ed.), Cap. 1 (p. 2)) [5896]>]> - Gog, [wurzel: Gog]

Basic Information
Keyword Gog, [wurzel: Gog]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((-4.724121 35.367771, -10.349126 33.042052, -10.261236 30.198548, -13.425298 28.281401, -15.622564 24.743085, 30.654603 28.330524, 32.678832 29.987352, 32.612916 31.572977, 19.786374 33.420552, 18.039545 31.481377, 11.008301 34.285585, 11.887207 37.975594, -0.856934 36.717966, -4.724121 35.367771))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 5
  • Et ingredieris terram Gog pede plan...; (Chronica Prophetica (883 - 900), Chroniques Asturiennes (fin ix° siécle), 1987 (Bonnaz, ed.), Cap. 1 (p. 2)) [5896]