SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Terra quidem Gog Spania designatur ...; (Chronica Prophetica (883 - 900), Chroniques Asturiennes (fin ix° siécle), 1987 (Bonnaz, ed.), Cap. 2,1 (p. 3)) [5897]>]> - Gog, [wurzel: Gog]

Basic Information
Keyword Gog, [wurzel: Gog]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((-1.768796 43.564472, 3.636475 42.374777, 1.878662 40.996484, 0.340576 40.027614, 0.076904 39.147103, 0.6921389999999999 38.5997, -2.208249 36.509636, -5.41626 35.942436, -9.635009999999999 37.177826, -9.854736000000001 39.3173, -9.371338 43.181146, -8.184813999999999 44.040219, -5.767822 44.134912, -1.768796 43.564472))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 5
  • Terra quidem Gog Spania designatur ...; (Chronica Prophetica (883 - 900), Chroniques Asturiennes (fin ix° siécle), 1987 (Bonnaz, ed.), Cap. 2,1 (p. 3)) [5897]