SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Sic et Vafros, Fricontas, Murrinos,...; (Cosmographia Aethici Istri (700 - 730), Cap. 2, § 29 (p. 116, lin. 5 - p. 117, lin. 6)) [4920]>]> - Palus Maeotis, [wurzel: Maeot]
Passages |
Keyword | Palus Maeotis, [wurzel: Maeot] |
Approximate localisation | SRID=4326;POLYGON ((3.22632 51.448074, 4.491945 51.221107, 5.909914 51.7175, 7.198976 50.339384, 7.189456 50.363219, 7.46338 50.089574, 7.83252 49.79545, 8.102052 49.799232, 8.236817 49.320348, 7.65088 48.751843, 7.686036 48.763431, 7.094239 47.721588, 7.609864 47.306054, 9.045411 47.543905, 13.983406 45.945037, 28.420905 44.049694, 30.15528 45.546369, 42.389655 44.385645, 39.509781 48.563156, 7.072274 53.116885, 3.22632 51.448074)) |
Points and lines | None |
Degree of uncertainty | 8 |
Passage |