SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Inter pudicos barbaros impudici sum...; (De gubernatione dei (439 - 451), Lib. 7, Cap. 6-8 (pp. 88-9, trans. O'Sullivan, pp. 192-4)) [2272]>]> - barbari, [wurzel: barbar]

Basic Information
Keyword barbari, [wurzel: barbar]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((-8.320309999999999 44.318608, -1.66406 43.711831, -5.695308 48.578666, 2.273444 51.234407, 10.429692 49.317484, 8.929693 43.847205, 0.77344 39.797284, 0.679691 37.973072, -4.195309 35.950738, -8.976556 36.102376, -10.851554 39.653073, -9.445304 44.519489, -8.320309999999999 44.318608))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 5
  • Inter pudicos barbaros impudici sum...; (De gubernatione dei (439 - 451), Lib. 7, Cap. 6-8 (pp. 88-9, trans. O'Sullivan, pp. 192-4)) [2272]