SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: a. 867 Anno dominicae incarnationis...; (Chronicon (Regino abbatis Prumiensis) (900 - 908), Regino of Prüm, Chronicle a. 867, ed. Kurze (MGH), p. 92; trans. by Maclean p. 153) [5923]>]> - Normanni, [wurzel: Normann]

Basic Information
Keyword Normanni, [wurzel: Normann]
Comment Brissarthe fehlt, ergänzen
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((-2.351074 47.212106, -2.032471 46.954012, -1.488647 47.055154, -1.340332 47.268048, -0.895386 47.349989, -0.675659 47.316483, -0.307617 47.394631, 0.192261 46.456781, 0.752563 46.562637, 0.395508 47.070122, 0.648193 47.286682, 0.7910160000000001 47.271775, 0.86792 47.320207, 0.955811 47.409503, 0.823975 47.476376, 0.582275 47.498648, 0.455933 47.387193, 0.32959 47.312759, 0.027466 47.3351, -0.126343 47.483801, -0.444946 47.561701, -0.966797 47.50978, -1.516113 47.346267, -1.983032 47.416937, -2.351074 47.212106))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 8
  • a. 867 Anno dominicae incarnationis...; (Chronicon (Regino abbatis Prumiensis) (900 - 908), Regino of Prüm, Chronicle a. 867, ed. Kurze (MGH), p. 92; trans. by Maclean p. 153) [5923]