SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: a. 881 Anno dominicae incarnationis...; (Chronicon (Regino abbatis Prumiensis) (900 - 908), Regino of Prüm, Chronicle a. 881, ed. Kurze (MGH), p. 117-118; trans. by Maclean p. 183-185) [5927]>]> - Normanni, [wurzel: Normann]

Basic Information
Keyword Normanni, [wurzel: Normann]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((4.113373 52.072754, 4.374298 52.011937, 4.865936 51.891749, 5.387787 51.917168, 5.645965 51.961192, 5.92337 51.901918, 6.02774 51.847656, 6.022247 51.771239, 5.876678 51.704906, 5.71463 51.796726, 5.547089 51.832383, 5.346588 51.76784, 4.986786 51.730431, 4.223236 51.592429, 3.390747 51.740636, 4.113373 52.072754))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 8
  • a. 881 Anno dominicae incarnationis...; (Chronicon (Regino abbatis Prumiensis) (900 - 908), Regino of Prüm, Chronicle a. 881, ed. Kurze (MGH), p. 117-118; trans. by Maclean p. 183-185) [5927]