SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: a. 882 Anno dominicae incarnationis...; (Chronicon (Regino abbatis Prumiensis) (900 - 908), Regino of Prüm, Chronicle a. 882, ed. Kurze (MGH), p. ; trans. by Maclean p. 185-186) [5928]>]> - Normanni, [wurzel: Normann]

Basic Information
Keyword Normanni, [wurzel: Normann]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((6.531372 49.823809, 6.679688 49.884017, 6.871948 49.866317, 6.899414 49.678293, 6.740112 49.460984, 6.432495 48.951366, 6.212769 48.875554, 5.993042 48.904449, 5.806274 49.04867, 5.883179 49.138597, 6.531372 49.823809))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 8
  • a. 882 Anno dominicae incarnationis...; (Chronicon (Regino abbatis Prumiensis) (900 - 908), Regino of Prüm, Chronicle a. 882, ed. Kurze (MGH), p. ; trans. by Maclean p. 185-186) [5928]