SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: a. 883 Anno dominicae incarnationis...; (None, Regino of Prüm, Chronicle a. 873, ed. Kurze (MGH), p. 120-121; trans. by Maclean p. 187-188) [5930]>]> - Normanni, [wurzel: Normann]

Basic Information
Keyword Normanni, [wurzel: Normann]
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((1.591862 50.113974, 1.611431 50.115735, 1.631344 50.101863, 1.622417 50.088428, 1.597355 50.083362, 1.567486 50.089309, 1.567486 50.101423, 1.572979 50.112433, 1.591862 50.113974))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 8
  • a. 883 Anno dominicae incarnationis...; (None, Regino of Prüm, Chronicle a. 873, ed. Kurze (MGH), p. 120-121; trans. by Maclean p. 187-188) [5930]