SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Maximum omnium quae ab illo gesta s...; (Vita Karoli Magni (814 - 830), Einhard Vita Karoli, c. 13, MGH SS 2, p. 449) [5105]>]> - Baioaria, [wurzel: Baioari]

Basic Information
Keyword Baioaria, [wurzel: Baioari]
Comment Baioaria after the Carolingian conquest and before the extension of the Frankish realm to the eastern regions, that is roughly between 788 and 791/799.
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((11.336517 48.676454, 11.329651 48.747134, 11.374969 48.796914, 11.523285 48.820428, 11.638641 48.84574, 11.822662 48.907157, 12.019043 48.935131, 12.062988 49.064869, 12.463989 49.04867, 12.76062 48.95317, 13.09845 48.835797, 13.246765 48.685521, 13.359375 48.649242, 13.478851 48.598409, 13.801575 48.527519, 13.898735 48.465182, 13.980446 48.415074, 14.084473 48.392738, 14.177856 48.378145, 14.354668 48.342559, 14.477577 48.26217, 14.531136 48.250283, 14.48925 48.215523, 14.483757 48.123018, 14.441872 48.047792, 14.384193 47.99176, 14.358101 47.963721, 14.365654 47.938427, 14.410286 47.837127, 14.458008 47.78548, 14.422302 47.726392, 14.567871 47.691277, 15.040283 47.678334, 15.361633 47.615421, 15.438538 47.44295, 15.287476 47.236355, 15.066376 46.768087, 15.062256 46.596619, 14.681854 46.418926, 14.052887 46.445427, 13.761749 46.509735, 12.278595 46.651322, 11.929779 46.640008, 11.726532 46.539971, 11.537018 46.388622, 11.321411 46.40567, 11.210175 46.468133, 10.71579 46.560749, 10.421906 46.645665, 10.452118 46.828254, 10.365601 46.942762, 10.401306 47.163575, 10.629272 47.286682, 10.716476 47.382544, 10.799561 47.550579, 10.863419 47.732858, 10.951309 47.877671, 10.865479 48.121184, 10.995941 48.339821, 11.116791 48.460173, 11.278839 48.627463, 11.336517 48.676454))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 3
  • Maximum omnium quae ab illo gesta s...; (Vita Karoli Magni (814 - 830), Einhard Vita Karoli, c. 13, MGH SS 2, p. 449) [5105]