SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Non iam publicam sibimet a Gallorum...; (Vita Corbiniani (765 - 775), p. 108) [74]>]> - Altemania, [wurzel: Altemani]

Basic Information
Keyword Altemania, [wurzel: Altemani]
Comment Altemania was a variation on the spatial name "Alemannia" (after the realm of the Alamanni), used in some 8/9th century texts of this area.
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((8.464966 48.781533, 9.047241 48.835797, 9.354858 48.806863, 9.788817999999999 48.796009, 10.903931 48.728115, 11.017914 48.41553, 10.890198 48.118434, 10.938263 47.813155, 10.752869 47.548725, 9.96048 47.119672, 9.721527 47.085085, 9.588317999999999 47.235422, 9.242248999999999 47.223299, 8.624268000000001 47.15984, 8.234253000000001 46.942762, 7.921143 46.908998, 7.609406 47.088826, 7.56546 47.363013, 7.56958 47.50607, 7.553101 47.724545, 7.608032 47.879513, 7.608032 48.136767, 7.767334 48.330691, 7.800293 48.592959, 8.052979000000001 48.770672, 8.464966 48.781533))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 5
  • Non iam publicam sibimet a Gallorum...; (Vita Corbiniani (765 - 775), p. 108) [74]