SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: 72. Eo anno in Abarorum cuinomento ...; (Chronicarum libri IV (Fredegarius scholasticus) et Continuationes (613 - 770), Lib. IV, c. 72. MGH SS rer. Merov. p. 157, lin. 4) [5100]>]> - Vinedi, [wurzel: ]

Basic Information
Keyword Vinedi, [wurzel: ]
Comment Fredegar, IV 72 describes that in 631/2 a group of Bulgars under an Alciocus flees first from the Avar empire and then from the Bavarians to a duke Walluc who ruled in the marca Vinedorum. The location of this marca is not clear. At some point in the years 662-671, according to Paulus Diaconus V. 29, a group of Bulgars under the lead of a very similary named man (Alzeco) moves from an unknown place to northern Italy. This lead to the common identification of the marca Vinedorum as a precedessor of Carantania. (W. Pohl, The Avars, p. 318-321). We do not know at all the size of the 7th century Caranthania, but it is most likely that the centre was around the Roman civitas Virunum, the later Zollfeld and Maria Saal, and the roman civitas and late antique bishopric of Teurnia, later around Spittal/Drau.
Approximate localisation SRID=4326;POLYGON ((13.658752 47.085085, 14.021301 47.124345, 14.28772 47.113131, 14.598083 47.075734, 15.007324 46.903369, 15.056763 46.613601, 14.80545 46.5069, 14.58847 46.462458, 14.434662 46.456781, 14.18335 46.463403, 13.838654 46.50879, 13.52417 46.540916, 12.97348 46.605111, 12.900696 46.673941, 12.900696 46.762443, 12.958374 46.925883, 13.043518 47.00648, 13.373108 47.071992, 13.658752 47.085085))
Points and lines None
Degree of uncertainty 9
  • 72. Eo anno in Abarorum cuinomento ...; (Chronicarum libri IV (Fredegarius scholasticus) et Continuationes (613 - 770), Lib. IV, c. 72. MGH SS rer. Merov. p. 157, lin. 4) [5100]