Stelle 72. Eo anno in Abarorum cuinomento ...; (Chronicarum libri IV (Fredegarius scholasticus) et Continuationes (613 - 770), Lib. IV, c. 72. MGH SS rer. Merov. p. 157, lin. 4) [5100]

Basic Information
ID 5100
Text Chronicarum libri IV (Fredegarius scholasticus) et Continuationes (613 - 770) Fredegar
Quotation 72. Eo anno in Abarorum cuinomento Chunorum regnum in Pannia surrexit viaemens intentio, eo quod de regnum certarint, cui deberetur ad sucedendum: unus ex Abares et alius ex Bulgaris, collicta multetudinem, uterque in invicem inpugnarint. Tandem Abaris Burgarus superant. Burgaris superatis, nove milia verorum cum uxoris et liberis de Pannonias expulsi, ad Dagoberto expetint, petentes, ut eos in terra Francorum manendum receperit. Dagobertus iobit eos iaemandum Badowarius recipere, dummodo pertractabat cum Ffrarancis, quid exinde fierit. Cumque dispersi per domus Baioariorum ad hyemandum fuissent, consilium Francorum Dagobertus Baioariis iobet, ut Bulgarus illus cum uxoris et liberis unusquisque in domum suam una nocte Baiuariae interficerint. Quod protinus a Baiovaries est impletum; nec quisquam ex illis remansit Bulgaris, nisi tantum Alciocus cum septinientis viris et uxoris cum liberis, qui in marca Vinedorum salvatus est. Post haec cum Wallucum ducem Winedorum annis plurimis vixit cum suis.
Translation 72. In that year it came in the kingdom of the Avars, who are also called Huns, in Pannonia to a fierce battle, because an Avar and a Bulgarian quarreled over the succession in the Rulership, and they warred one another with a united force. Eventually the Avars defeated the Bulgarians. After their defeat the Bulgarians, 9,000 men with women and children, were expelled from Pannonia, whereupon they turned to Dagobert and asked him that he might give them permanent settlement in Frankish territory. Dagobert gave the order to the Bavarians, to take them in over the winter while he was consulting with the Franks about what should happen next. While they were distributed in individual housesin Bavaria, Dagobert ordered to the Bavarians, after a council of the Franks, that each of them should kill the Bulgarians with women and children in his house at night. This was immediately carried out by the Bavarians, and apart from Alzeco, who found rescue with seven hundred men, women and children in the march of the Wends, not a single one of the Bulgarians survived. Alzeco lived then for many years with his people with Walluch, the dux of the Wends.
Summary In the year 631/32 (or 636) a succession war broke out in the realm of the Avars in Pannonia, where Avars and Bulgars fought against each other. When the Avars won, 9000 Bulgars were expelled from the realm and sought refuge in Francia. King Dagobert I. housed them in Bavaria and eventually odered the Bavarians to kill them, including Women and children, at night. Only 700 Bulgars under the lead of Alciocus could escape to the Marchof the wends under duke Waluc.
Quotation source Lib. IV, c. 72. MGH SS rer. Merov. p. 157, lin. 4
Temporal Coverage 631 - 636
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects