SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Ὑπὲρ δὲ Σαγίνας Οὐννικὰ ἔθνη πολλὰ ...; (History of the Wars (530 - 560), 8. 4. 7-9. Dewing (1928) (pp. 84-85)) [4978]>, <Stelle: Λίμνην δὲ τὴν Μαιῶτιν καὶ τὴν ἐξ αὐ...; (History of the Wars, 8. 5. 5-6. Dewing (1928) (pp. 88-89)) [4980]>, <Stelle: Οὖννοι δὲ αὐτῶν τοὺς μὲν κτείναντες...; (History of the Wars (530 - 560), 8. 5. 15-22. Dewing (1928) (pp. 92-95)) [4982]>, <Stelle: Ὑπερβάντι δὲ Λίμνην τε τὴν Μαιώτιδα...; (History of the Wars, 8. 5. 23-24. Dewing (1928) (pp. 94-95)) [4983]>]> - Palus Maeotis, [wurzel: Maeot]
Keyword | Palus Maeotis, [wurzel: Maeot] |
Comment | The name Palus Maeotis (Greek ἡ Μαιῶτις λίμνη) was applied in antiquity and the Middle Ages to the swamps at the mouth of the Tanais River in Scythia (the modern Don in southern Russia) and to the entire Sea of Azov. |
Approximate localisation | SRID=4326;POLYGON ((33.437988 46.555083, 38.931152 48.206371, 41.0625 46.871458, 37.349121 44.178265, 34.097168 45.069641, 33.437988 46.555083)) |
Points and lines | None |
Degree of uncertainty | 5 |
Passage |