Stelle Sunt nomina quae gentem significant...; (Charisii Ars Grammatica (361 - 362), II, VI, p. 196, 4-5) [10]

Basic Information
ID 10
Text Charisii Ars Grammatica (361 - 362) Charisius
Quotation Sunt nomina quae gentem significant, ut Afer Dacus Hispanus.
Translation There are names which signify a gens, such as Afer, Dacus, Hispanus. (LG)
Summary Charisius explains the numerous qualities of the name and refers in this short passage to the names of a 'gens'.
Quotation source II, VI, p. 196, 4-5
Associated use case(s)
Comment The author uses 'Afer', among others, as example for the name of a 'gens'. The meaning of the word 'gens' isn't explained in this passage.