Stelle 20. Quod autem Scriptura inducit pa...; (Mysticorum expositiones sacramentorum seu Quaestiones in Vetus Testamentum (624 - 636), Cap. 29, Par. 20, Col. 271 (lin. 12)) [1222]

Basic Information
ID 1222
Text Mysticorum expositiones sacramentorum seu Quaestiones in Vetus Testamentum (624 - 636) Isidore of Seville
Quotation 20. Quod autem Scriptura inducit parientem Thamar, et duos in utero geminos habentem, quorum scilicet primus, qui dicitur Zara, misit manum suam, et obstetrix ligavit coccinum; et dehinc illo manum intrinsecus retrahente, posterior, qui Phares vocatur, porrexit manum, et nascendo praecessit, figuraliter congruit, quod ostenderit Israel in legis opera manum suam, et eam prophetarum, et ipsius Salvatoris pollutam cruore contraxerit. Postea vero proruperit populus gentium, scilicet ut futuri essent novissimi qui erant primi, et primi futuri essent qui erant novissimi.
Translation 20. Because however Scripture mentions Thamar giving birth, and having two twins in her womb, of whom indeed the first, who is called Zara, put his hand out, and the midwife tied a scarlet cloth to it; and then withdrawing his hand back within, the second, who is called Phares, stretched out his hand, and came first in being born, it fits figuratively that Israel first showed its hand in the work of the law, and withdrew it through the defilement of violence against its prophets and against the Saviour himself. But afterwards the people of the nations broke through, just as those who had been the first should now be the last, and those who were the last should now be the first.
Quotation source Cap. 29, Par. 20, Col. 271 (lin. 12)
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