Stelle inter genus et gentem hoc interest...; (Differentiae - Inter metum et timorem (400 - 800), p. 285, 10) [14]

Basic Information
ID 14
Text Differentiae - Inter metum et timorem (400 - 800) Anonymous - Other
Quotation inter genus et gentem hoc interest, quod genus tam hominum quam ferarum est et ab uno capite descendit, gens ad congregationem plurimam pertinet: dicimus enim ‘gens Gallorum’
Translation This is the difference between the words ‘genus’ and ‘gens’: ‘genus’ regards both humans and animals and derives from the same origin, whereas ‘gens’ refers to a very large group. We say indeed “gens Gallorum”. (C. Grifoni)
Quotation source p. 285, 10
Associated use case(s)
Comment The word 'genus' refers to biological descent whereas 'gens' indicates a generical group of people.