Stelle Fridericus imperator cum omni exerc...; (Annales Mellicenses (1123 - 1564), (p. 547, lin. 20)) [1447]

Basic Information
ID 1447
Text Annales Mellicenses (1123 - 1564) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation Fridericus imperator cum omni exercitu sanctee crucis ab Adranapoli civitate Greciae ubi hiemaverant felici transitu feria secunda in ebdomada pashali brachio S. Georii commeant, et versus Yconium et Anthyochiam properant, ibique incommodum estatis declinant, summa et firmissima amicicia inter imperatorem Romaniae Ysaac nomine et ipsum imperatorem Romanum Fridericum sapienter composita.
Translation The Emperor Frederick [II] with all the army of the holy cross left Adrianople, the city in Greece where they had spent the winter, and with a happy crossing in the second week in the time of Easter passed the Bosphorus, and sped towards Iconium and Antioch, and there they passed the heat of the summer, and the greatest and most firm friendship between the Emperor Isaac of Romania and the Roman Emperor Frederick was wisely composed. (Trans. Laura Gazzoli)
Quotation source (p. 547, lin. 20)
Temporal Coverage 1190 - 1190
Associated use case(s)