Stelle Et licet haec tanta multitudo, quae...; (Annales Sancti Disibodi (1150 - 1200), (p. 17, lin. 31)) [1448]

Basic Information
ID 1448
Text Annales Sancti Disibodi (1150 - 1200) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation Et licet haec tanta multitudo, quae universam Romaniam occupare poterat, atque epotare flumina omnia et pascere omnes segetes una die posset, tamen cum plenitudine tanta conduxit eos Dominus, ut de ariete nummus et de bove vix 12 acciperentur.
Translation And although it was so great a multitude that they could occupy the entirety of Romania, and drink all the rivers dry and eat bare all the fields in one day, the Lord led them through with such plenty that the price of a goat did not rise above a coin and a cow scarcely 12. (Trans. Laura Gazzoli)
Quotation source (p. 17, lin. 31)
Temporal Coverage 1100 - 1100
Associated use case(s)