Stelle Et quia iam tunc cessabat a parte G...; (Annales Laureshamenses (784 - 818), (p. 38)) [1607]

Basic Information
ID 1607
Text Annales Laureshamenses (784 - 818) Richbod of Trier Anonymous - Annals
Quotation Et quia iam tunc cessabat a parte Graecorum nomen imperatoris, et femineum imperium apud se abebant, tunc visum est et ipso apostolico Leoni et universis sanctis patribus qui in ipso concilio aderant, seu reliquo christiano populo, ut ipsum Carolum regem Franchorum imperatorem nominare debuissent, qui ipsam Romam tenebat, ubi semper Caesaras sedere soliti erant, seu reliquas sedes quas ipse per Italiam seu Galliam nec non et Germaniam tenebat; quia Deus omnipotens has omnes sedes in potestate eius concessit, ideo iustum eis esse videbatur, ut ipse cum Dei adiutorio et universo christiano populo petente ipsum nomen aberet. Quorum petitionem ipse rex Karolus denegare noluit, sed cum omni humilitate subiectus Deo et petitione sacerdotum et universi christiani populi in ipsa nativitate domini nostri Iesu Christi ipsum nomen imperatoris cum consecratione domni Leonis papae suscepit.
Translation And since the name of emperor was at this time lacking among the Greeks and they had female rule among them, it then seemed to the apostolicus Leo and to all the holy fathers present at that council, as well as to the rest of the Christian people, that they ought to bestow the name of emperor upon Charles himself, king of the Franks, who held Rome itself, where the Caesars had always been accustomed to have their seat, and the rest of the seats, which he held throughout Italy, Gaul and Germany; since almighty God had granted all these seats into his power, it seemed to them to be right that, with the help of God and at the request of the entire Christian people, he should have that name. King Charles was himself unwilling to deny this request of theirs and, having submitted with all humility to God and the petition of the sacerdotes and the entire Christian people, received the name of emperor, with the consecration of the lord pope Leo, on the very day of the nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Trans. King, p. 144)
Quotation source (p. 38)
Temporal Coverage 801 - 801
Associated use case(s)