Stelle Tunc episcopi, presbiteri, diaconi ...; (Liber de rebus gestis Ottonis (Historia Ottonis) (964 - 965), Cap. 11 (p. 168, lin. 10)) [1608]

Basic Information
ID 1608
Text Liber de rebus gestis Ottonis (Historia Ottonis) (964 - 965) Liutprand of Cremona
Quotation Tunc episcopi, presbiteri, diaconi reliquusque clerus et cunctus Romanorum populus quasi vir unus dixerunt: 'Si non, et quae per Benedictum diaconem lecta sunt, hisque turpiora et ampliora Iohannes papa indigna commisit facinora, non nos a delictorum vinculis absolvat apostolorum princeps beatissimus Petrus, qui verbo caelum indignis claudit, iustis aperit; sed simus anathematis vinculo innodati atque in die novissima in sinistra parte positi cum eis, qui dixerunt domino Deo: Recede a nobis, scientiam viarum tuarum nolumus.
Translation Then the bishops, priests, deacons, and the rest of the clergy, and the whole Roman people, as if a single body, said: “If Pope John did not commit shameful crimes, both the ones that Dea- con Benedict read out, and more ghastly and greater ones, too, let not the prince of the apostles, the most blessed Peter, absolve us from the shackles of our crimes, he who by his mere word closes paradise to the unworthy and opens it to the just. Rather, let us be bound by the chains of anathema, and on the last day let us be placed on the left side, with those ‘who have said to the Lord God: depart from us, we desire not the knowledge of your ways.’ (Trans. Squatriti, p. 229)
Quotation source Cap. 11 (p. 168, lin. 10)
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