Stelle Sed fortasse quis dicat: Si David i...; (Mysticorum expositiones sacramentorum seu Quaestiones in Vetus Testamentum (624 - 636), In Regum II, Cap. 2, Par. 8, Col. 412 (lin. 15)) [1744]

Basic Information
ID 1744
Text Mysticorum expositiones sacramentorum seu Quaestiones in Vetus Testamentum (624 - 636) Isidore of Seville
Quotation Sed fortasse quis dicat: Si David imaginem Christi gerebat, quomodo multas uxores et concubinas habuisse scribitur, cum has res Christus et horrescat et damnet? Hoc enim pro figura fiebat; multae enim uxores David multarum gentium et nationum imaginem indicabant, quae per fidem Christi consortio jungentur. 9. Concubinae vero ejus significant haereticorum ecclesias, quae sub Christi nominis titulo manere se gloriantur.
Translation But perhaps someone might say: if David was the symbol of Christ, why is he said to have had many wives and concubines, when Christ rejects and condemns these things? But it was so figuratively; for the many wives of David are a symbol of the many peoples and nations who shall be joined together through the faith of Christ. 9. But concubines signify the churches of the heretics, who boast that they are placed under the power of the name of Christ.
Quotation source In Regum II, Cap. 2, Par. 8, Col. 412 (lin. 15)
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