Stelle roma uero tot gentes <et> orientis ...; (De civitate Dei (413 - 427), Lib. 18, Cap. 22 (lin. 15)) [1838]

Basic Information
ID 1838
Text De civitate Dei (413 - 427) Augustine of Hippo
Quotation roma uero tot gentes <et> orientis et occidentis, quas imperio romano subditas cernimus, non ea celeritate ac facilitate perdomuit, quoniam paulatim increscendo robustas eas et bellicosas, quaqua uersum dilatabatur, inuenit. tempore igitur, quo roma condita est, populus israel habebat in terra promissionis annos septingentos decem et octo.
Translation Rome, by contrast, did not so rapidly and easily subdue all those nations of East and West which, as we see, are now part of the Roman Empire; for she increased little by little, and, wherever she spread, she encountered robust and warlike peoples. At the time of Rome’s foundation, then, the people of Israel had possessed the promised land for 718 years. (Trans. Dyson)
Quotation source Lib. 18, Cap. 22 (lin. 15)
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