Stelle demonstrauit ergo deus ecclesiae in...; (De civitate Dei (413 - 427), Lib. 18, Cap. 46 (lin. 39)) [1843]

Basic Information
ID 1843
Text De civitate Dei (413 - 427) Augustine of Hippo
Quotation demonstrauit ergo deus ecclesiae in eius inimicis iudaeis gratiam misericordiae suae, quoniam, sicut dicit apostolus, delictum illorum salus gentibus; et ideo non eos occidit, id est non in eis perdidit quod sunt iudaei, quamuis a romanis fuerint deuicti et oppressi, ne obliti legem dei ad hoc, de quo agimus, testimonium nihil ualerent. ideo parum fuit, ut diceret: ne occideris eos, ne quando obliuiscantur legem tuam, nisi adderet etiam: disperge eos; quoniam si cum isto testimonio scripturarum in sua tantummodo terra, non ubique essent, profecto ecclesia, quae ubique est, eos prophetiarum, quae de christo praemissae sunt, testes in omnibus gentibus habere non posset.
Translation God has therefore shown to the Church the grace of His mercy in her enemies the Jews; for, as the apostle says, ‘their offence is the salvation of the Gentiles’. And this is why He did not slay them – why, that is, even though they have been conquered and oppressed by the Romans, the Jews have not entirely perished: lest they should forget the Law of God and so fail to bear witness of the kind of which we are here speaking. Thus it was not enough for the psalmist to say, ‘Thou shalt not slay them, lest they should at last forget Thy Law’, without adding, ‘disperse them’. For if that testimony of the Scriptures existed only in the Jews’ own land, and not everywhere, then, clearly, the Church, which is everywhere, would not have it to bear witness in all nations to the prophecies which were given long ago concerning Christ. (Trans. Dyson)
Quotation source Lib. 18, Cap. 46 (lin. 39)
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