Stelle Anno ab incarnatione Domini CCCCVII...; (Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (731 - 731), i.11 (p. 148, lin. 1)) [1871]

Basic Information
ID 1871
Text Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (731 - 731) Bede
Quotation Anno ab incarnatione Domini CCCCVII, tenente imperium Honorio Augusto, filio Theodosii minoris, loco ab Augusto quadragesimo quarto, ante biennium Romanae irruptionis, quae per Halaricum regem Gothorum facta est, cum *** gentes *** Halanorum Sueuorum Vandalorum multaeque cum his aliae, protritis Francis transito Hreno, totas per Gallias saeuirent, apud Brittanias Gratianus municeps tyrannus creatur et occiditur. Huius loco Constantinus ex infima militia propter solam spem nominis sine merito uirtutis eligitur; qui continuo ut inuasit imperium, in Gallias transiit. Ibi saepe a barbaris incertis foederibus illusus detrimento magis reipublicae fuit.
Translation In the year of our Lord 407, when Honorius Augustus, son of Theodosius the second was emperor, being the forty-fourth from Augustus, two years before the invasion of Rome by Alaric, king of the Goths, Gratian, a citizen, was set up here in Britain as dictator and killed. It was the year when the Alani, Suevi, Vandals and many other races defeated the Franks, crossed the Rhine, and ravaged all Gaul. In his place Constantine, a worthless soldier of the lowest rank, was elected in Britain solely on account of the promise of his name and with no virtue to recommend him. As soon as he had seized power he crossed over to Gaul. There he was often deluded by the barbarians into making doubtful treaties and so inflicted great harm on the body politic. (Translation: Colgrave/Mynors, Oxford Medieval Texts, pp. 39-41)
Quotation source i.11 (p. 148, lin. 1)
Temporal Coverage 407 - 407
Associated use case(s)