Stelle Itaque Theodosius adflictam rempubl...; (Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418), Vol. 3, Lib. 7, Cap. 34, Par. 5-7 (lin. 1)) [2222]

Basic Information
ID 2222
Text Historiarum adversum paganos libri VII (417 - 418) Orosius
Quotation Itaque Theodosius adflictam rempublicam ira Dei reparandam credidit misericordia Dei; omnem fiduciam sui ad opem Christi conferens, maximas illas Scythicas gentes formidatasque cunctis maioribus, Alexandro quoque illi Magno, sicut Pompeius Corneliusque testati sunt, euitatas, nunc autem extincto Romano exercitu Romanis equis armisque instructissimas, hoc est Alanos, Hunos et Gothos, incunctanter adgressus magnis multis que proeliis uicit. Vrbem Constantinopolim uictor intrauit et ne paruam ipsam Romani exercitus manum adsidue bellando detereret, foedus cum Athanarico Gothorum rege percussit. Athanaricus autem continuo ut Constantinopolim uenit, diem obiit. Uniuersae Gothorum gentes rege defuncto aspicientes uirtutem benignitatemque Theodosii Romano sese imperio dediderunt.
Translation Theodosius believed that the state, which had been brought low by the wrath of God, would be restored by His mercy. Putting all his trust in the help of Christ, he attacked without hesitation those mighty Scythian tribes, which had been the dread of all the earlier ages and had been avoided even by Alexander the Great, as Pompeius and Cornelius declare. These same tribes were equipped with Roman horses and arms, though the Roman army no longer existed. Yet he defeated these tribes, that is, the Alans, Huns, and Goths, in a series of great battles. 6 He entered the city of Constantinople as a victor, and made a treaty with Athanaric, the king of the Goths, so that he might not exhaust the small body of Roman troops by continual campaigning. 7 Athanaric, however, died immediately after reaching Constantinople. Upon the death of their king, all the Gothic tribes, on seeing the bravery and kindness of Theodosius, submitted to Roman rule.
Quotation source Vol. 3, Lib. 7, Cap. 34, Par. 5-7 (lin. 1)
Temporal Coverage 379 - 380
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects