Stelle 47. Nova insula 30 stadiorum in mar...; (Annales Mellicenses (1123 - 1564), (p. 485, lin. 21)) [2604]

Basic Information
ID 2604
Text Annales Mellicenses (1123 - 1564) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation 47. Nova insula 30 stadiorum in mari apparuit. 48. Cives Romani a Claudio numerati, inventi sunt sexagies novies centum milia et 44 milia. 49. Iudeorum in seditione 30 milia interfecta sunt in diebus azimorum.
Translation 47. A new island of 30 stades appeared in the sea. 48. Roman citizens were counted by Claudius, and they were found to be six times nine hundred thousand and 44 thousand (5,444,000). 49. 30 thousand Jews were killed in rebellion in the days of Passover. (Trans. Laura Gazzoli)
Quotation source (p. 485, lin. 21)
Temporal Coverage 47 - 49
Associated use case(s)