Stelle bene, quod tua sponte histrionibus ...; (De civitate Dei (413 - 427), Lib. 2, Cap. 29 (lin. 43)) [2623]

Basic Information
ID 2623
Text De civitate Dei (413 - 427) Augustine of Hippo
Quotation bene, quod tua sponte histrionibus et scaenicis societatem ciuitatis patere noluisti; euigila plenius! nullo modo his artibus placatur diuina maiestas, quibus humana dignitas inquinatur. quo igitur pacto deos, qui talibus delectantur obsequiis, haberi putas in numero sanctarum caelestium potestatum, cum homines, per quos eadem aguntur obsequia, non putasti habendos in numero qualiumcumque ciuium romanorum? incomparabiliter superna est ciuitas clarior, ubi uictoria ueritas, ubi dignitas sanctitas, ubi pax felicitas, ubi uita aeternitas.
Translation Well done, to have refused of your own accord to allow the fellowship of the city to actors and players. But be yet more vigilant. The Divine Majesty is in no way propitiated by those arts which affront human dignity. How, then, can gods who take delight in such obsequies be deemed to belong to the covenant of the Holy Powers of Heaven, when the men by whom these same obsequies are performed are not deemed to be included in the number of Roman citizens of whatever class? Incomparably fairer is that Supernal City where victory is truth, where dignity is holiness, where peace is happiness and where life is eternity. (Trans. Dyson)
Quotation source Lib. 2, Cap. 29 (lin. 43)
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