Stelle Manus sanctas super caput eius pone...; (Vita Wilfridi (709 - 720), ch. 6 (p. 14)) [28]

Basic Information
ID 28
Text Vita Wilfridi (709 - 720) Stephen of Ripon
Quotation Manus sanctas super caput eius ponens, cogitabat in corde suo illum habere post se heredem, si sic Deus voluisset, aliquod enim melius genti nostrae Deo providente. (...) Dictumque est illis: "Transmarinus de Anglorum gente ex Brittannia ".
Translation As he placed his holy hands upon Wilfrid's head he purposed in his heart to make the young man his heir if God so willed. But God had something better in view for our race. (...) "A foreigner of the English race from Britain" they were told. (Trans. Colgrave, p. 15)
Quotation source ch. 6 (p. 14)
Temporal Coverage 655 - 658
Associated use case(s)