Stelle Sed et domnus papa ex precepto mili...; (Annales Reicherspergenses (ex cod. Aldersbacensi) (1170 - 1279), (p. 452, lin. 7)) [2878]

Basic Information
ID 2878
Text Annales Reicherspergenses (ex cod. Aldersbacensi) (1170 - 1279) Anonymous - Annals
Quotation Sed et domnus papa ex precepto militum cum rege et post regem abire compulsus est. Hinc preda crassatur, hinc caedes civium Romanorum pro pastore suo, quem liberare cupiebant, morientium; captivi quoque domni cardinales et clerici trahuntur. Omnia siquidem ostia ecclesiae observata fuerant, ne quis libere effugere potuisset.
Translation But the Lord Pope was compelled to leave with the King and after the King by the order of the soldiers. On one side the plunder was heaped up, on the other side the slaughtered bodies of the citizens of Rome who were dying for the sake of their pastor, whom they hoped to liberate; the Lord Cardinals and clerics were also taken captive. All the gates of the city were watched, so that no one could escape freely. (Trans. Laura Gazzoli)
Quotation source (p. 452, lin. 7)
Temporal Coverage 1111 - 1111
Associated use case(s)