Stelle Qui etiam seipsum apud Angliam iamp...; (Gesta Danorum (1185 - 1216), ix.8.1 (I, p. 670)) [2925]

Basic Information
ID 2925
Text Gesta Danorum (1185 - 1216) Saxo Grammaticus
Quotation Qui etiam seipsum apud Angliam iampridem Christianismi peritam solennibus aquis humectandum exhibuit. Ceterum priuatam salutem suam in publicam exuberare cupiens ab Agapito, qui tunc civitatis Romane sacris preerat, Daniam divinitus erudiri petiuit. Quod antequam votis exsequeretur, absumptus est.
Translation He [King Frothi] also presented himself in England, a country which had long been well acquainted with Christianity, to be sprinkled with holy water. In a desire that his personal salvation should be freely extended to his people, he asked Agapetus, at that period pope in the city of Rome, to teach the Danes about God. But before his prayers could be realized he ended his days. (Translation: Fisher 2015, I, p. 671)
Quotation source ix.8.1 (I, p. 670)
Temporal Coverage 946 - 955
Associated use case(s)
Comment Frothi is a legendary king. The dates given here are for Agapetus II's papacy, which do not however align with Saxo's chronology. Horic II (854-after 864), although a pagan, sent gifts to Pope Nicholas I, who sent him a letter thanking him but urging him to convert (MGH Epp. VI, no. 27, pp. 293-4; also mentioned in no. 26, p. 292, to Louis the German, who, along with Bishop Solomon of Konstanz, acted as an intermediary for the gifts).