Stelle Nota est historia quia hostes iudae...; (In Ezram et Neemiam libri III (725 - 731), Lib. 1 (lin. 1601)) [2971]

Basic Information
ID 2971
Text In Ezram et Neemiam libri III (725 - 731) Bede
Quotation Nota est historia quia hostes iudae et beniamin samaritas dicit quos captiuatis decem tribubus rex assyriorum de diuersis gentium populis in ciuitates eorum et terras transtulit qui postmodum accepta dei lege et hanc ex parte seruabant et nihilominus eisdem quibus antea simulacris seruiebant.
Translation The story is well-known. By the enemies of Judah and Benjamin he means the Samaritans whom the king of the Assyrians, when the ten tribes had been captured, transported from various peoples of the Gentiles into their cities and lands; they later accepted God’s law and observed it to a degree and yet continued to be slaves to the same idols as before. (Trans. Scott DeGregorio, On Ezra and Nehemiah, Liverpool Translated Texts for Historians (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2006, p. 67)
Quotation source Lib. 1 (lin. 1601)
Associated use case(s)