Stelle Duo gemini in utero Thamar duos pop...; (Allegoriae quaedam sanctae Scripturae uel De nominibus legis et euangelii (601 - 700), Ex Veteri Testamento Par. 50, Col. 108 (lin. 1)) [3074]

Basic Information
ID 3074
Text Allegoriae quaedam sanctae Scripturae uel De nominibus legis et euangelii (601 - 700) Isidore of Seville
Quotation Duo gemini in utero Thamar duos populos figuraverunt, quorum posterior natus, qui manum prior ex utero misit, quia gentium populus antea quidem est per prophetas ostensus, sed postea revelatus, cujus ideo obstetrix ligavit dexteram cocco, quia idem populus per sanguinem Christi crucis notatus est signo.
Translation The two twins in the womb of Thamar prefigured two peoples, of whom one was born later, but was the first to stick a hand out of the womb, because the people of the nations is shown to have precedence by the prophets, but was revealed afterwards, whose right hand the midwife bound with a scarlet cloth, because the same people is known by the sign of the blood of Christ.
Quotation source Ex Veteri Testamento Par. 50, Col. 108 (lin. 1)
Associated use case(s)