Stelle quin etiam templum eius esse aiunt ...; (De civitate Dei (413 - 427), Lib. 18, Cap. 16 (lin. 15)) [3428]

Basic Information
ID 3428
Text De civitate Dei (413 - 427) Augustine of Hippo
Quotation quin etiam templum eius esse aiunt in insula diomedea, non longe a monte gargano, qui est in apulia, et hoc templum circumuolare atque incolere has alites tam mirabili obsequio, ut aquam impleant et aspergant; et eo si graeci uenerint uel graecorum stirpe prognati, non solum quietas esse, uerum et insuper adulare; si autem alienigenas uiderint, subuolare ad capita tamque grauibus ictibus, ut etiam perimant, uulnerare.
Translation Yet his temple is on the island of Diomedea, not far from Mount Garganus, which is in Apulia; and they say that the birds which fly around the temple and dwell there display such marvellous devotion that they fill their beaks with water which they sprinkle on it. Also, when Greeks, or men descended from Greek stock, come to that place, the birds not only behave quietly, but even approach them affectionately; whereas if, on the other hand, they see men of other races, they fly at their heads and inflict upon them injuries serious enough even to kill them. (Trans. Dyson)
Quotation source Lib. 18, Cap. 16 (lin. 15)
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