Stelle quod autem diomedis templo aquam ro...; (De civitate Dei (413 - 427), Lib. 18, Cap. 18 (lin. 84)) [3429]

Basic Information
ID 3429
Text De civitate Dei (413 - 427) Augustine of Hippo
Quotation quod autem diomedis templo aquam rostris afferunt et aspergunt, et quod blandiuntur graecigenis atque alienigenas persequuntur, mirandum non est fieri daemonum instinctu, quorum interest persuadere deum factum esse diomeden ad decipiendos homines, ut falsos deos cum ueri dei iniuria multos colant et hominibus mortuis, qui nec cum uiuerent uere uixerunt, templis altaribus, sacrificiis sacerdotibus (quae omnia cum recta sunt non nisi uni deo uiuo et uero debentur) inseruiant.
Translation As for the belief that the birds bring water in their beaks to sprinkle Diomede’s temple, and that they are friendly towards men of Greek blood, but attack strangers: it is not to be wondered at that the demons urge them to do this; for it is to their advantage to persuade men to believe that Diomede became a god, in order to deceive them. For they wish men to do injustice to the true God by worshipping many false gods, and by serving dead men – who did not live truly even when they were alive – by means of temples, altars, sacrifices, and priests, all of which rightly belong to none save the one true and living God. (Trans. Dyson)
Quotation source Lib. 18, Cap. 18 (lin. 84)
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