Stelle Quod uero dicit ezras fratres quoqu...; (In Ezram et Neemiam libri III (725 - 731), Lib. 2 (lin. 1912)) [3546]

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ID 3546
Text In Ezram et Neemiam libri III (725 - 731) Bede
Quotation Quod uero dicit ezras fratres quoque iesu filii iosedech uxores duxisse alienigenas non fratres eius carnales sed more sanctae scripturae cognatos oportet intellegi, neque enim fratres eius germani eatenus in carne uiuere et uoluptati operam dare potuerint cum centum et amplius anni essent transacti ex quo cyrus regnare incipiens iesum et zorobabel cum transmigratione iuda et beniamin ad construendam domum domini hierosolimam remisit. Sequitur: et dederunt manus suas ut eicerent uxores suas et pro delicto suo arietem de ouibus offerrent, et cetera usque dum completo catalogo paenitentium dictum est, omnes hi acceperunt uxores alienigenas et fuerunt ex eis mulieres quae pepererant filios.
Translation But the fact that Ezra says the brothers of Jeshua son of Jozadak also had married foreign wives properly applies, however, not to his brothers in the flesh but to his kindred after the customary manner of Holy Scripture. For his actual brothers were no longer living or able to devote themselves to pleasure, since one hundred or more years had passed from the time when Cyrus began to rule and sent back Zerubbabel and Jeshua with the migration from Judah and Babylon to rebuild the house of the Lord in Jerusalem. It goes on:[10:19] And they gave their hands [in pledge] to put away their wives,and to offer a ram from the flock for their sin,and so on until the list of penitents ends and it says: All these had married foreign wives, and there were among them women who had borne children. (Trans. DeGregorio, pp. 149-50)
Quotation source Lib. 2 (lin. 1912)
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