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3552 |
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In Ezram et Neemiam libri III (725 - 731) Bede |
Quotation |
Sed et in diebus illis uidi iudaeos ducentes uxores azotidas ammanitidas et moabitidas, et filii eorum
ex media parte loquebantur azotice et nesciebant loqui iudaice et loquebantur iuxta linguam populi et populi, et obiurgaui eos et maledixi et cecidi ex ipsis uiros, et cetera.
Et nunc in sancta ecclesia uxores ducunt alienigenas quicumque oblectationibus scelerum quae ad
gentiles proprie pertinent suam conscientiam attaminant filii que ex his nati nesciunt loqui iudaice
cum opera quae ex mente uitiata prodierant nil in se piae professionis ostendunt sed gentilem potius
stultitiam quam ecclesiasticam sonant castitatem.
Azotus enim quae hebraice dicitur esdod interpretatur ignis uerbum ideoque iuxta tropologicum
sensum azotice loquuntur filii de alienigenis nati uxoribus cum opera per lasciuiam procreata
ultionem expectant aeternae combustionis. |
Translation |
Moreover, in those days I saw Jews who had married women from Ashdod, Ammon and Moab; and their children spoke partly in the language of Ashdod, and did not know how to speak the language of the Jews, and they spoke in the language of this or that people; and I rebuked them and called curses down on them; and I beat some of the men, and so on. Today too in the Holy Church people marry foreign women whenever they contaminate their conscience with the delights of sins that properly pertain to the Gentiles; and the children born from them do not know how to speak the language of the Jews when the works that have sprung forth from their sinful minds reveal that there is not a shred of devout profession in them but resound with Gentile stupidity rather than ecclesiastical purity.For Azotus (Ashdod), which in Hebrew is called ‘Esdod’, is interpreted as ‘word of fire’, and for this reason, according to the tropological sense, the children born from the foreign women speak the language of Ashdod when works engendered through wantonness await the punishment of eternal burning. (Trans. DeGregorio, p. 225) |
Quotation source |
Lib. 3 (lin. 2069) |
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