Stelle Ubi ostenditur Judam et Jerusalem i...; (De fide catholica contra Iudaeos (601 - 636), Lib. 2, Cap. 26, Par. 6, Col. 535 (lin. 22)) [4022]

Basic Information
ID 4022
Text De fide catholica contra Iudaeos (601 - 636) Isidore of Seville
Quotation Ubi ostenditur Judam et Jerusalem in unum converti debere, et crucis signum suscipere, quod per duo ligna significatum est. Haec sunt duo ligna quae illa vidua alienigena, ad quam mittitur pascendus Elias, volebat colligere, priusquam moreretur. Ubi non solum ligni nomine, sed etiam et numero lignorum signum crucis expressum est.
Translation Where it is shown that Judah and Jerusalem should become one, and take up the sign of the cross, which was signified through the two branches. These are the two branches which that foreign widow, to whom Elijah was sent to eat, wanted to gather, before she died. Where the sign of the cross was not only expressed by the name of the branch, but also by the number of branches.
Quotation source Lib. 2, Cap. 26, Par. 6, Col. 535 (lin. 22)
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